John Saunders
Completed 30 November 2020

Building the project on WIX is the first web site I have ever made. The software made it easy, prior to this I had assumed that one really needed to understand computers to make a website.
The webs site has been a good way to get information out there for others to see. There is no login and password required, readers only need a link to see an unlimited amount of multi modal information you create.
I used the recommended web site and template suggested by my professor as this was my first time and I had no bias or preference to any alternative. The Home page is basic and gives a brief outline of the web site. I do not introduce myself as I don’t find it necessary.
In my film and immersion experience research which are both about Brazilian jiu Jitsu (BJJ) I found some great articles written by investigative journalists that I felt were great further reading and added those hyperlinks to the resources tab. I chose some images from the web that have some great photography that capture Jiu Jitsu action shots, I used hyperlinks to cite the images as I was not able to find the owner or producer of the images. I also used my gym’s logo and a photo of our team after training.
I chose the moving cloud border to give the page a more interactive feel and used cloud to hint at the undertone of the deeper philosophical purpose of jiu jitsu and not just the face image of fighting for the sake of it. I Chose black and white because of the black and white accountability in BJJ, you can not fake it. Your abilities are demonstrated for everyone to see. Even stepping into a new gym no amount of bluff and bluster will supersede what you demonstrate in a 5 minute sparring session with some one. Also the black and white of will you continue to train even though it can be really uncomfortable and painful. It’s a simple but stark problem your brain has to wrestle with. I also believe it is easy on the eye, I consistently used the same font and size for this reason.
I hope that my use of images, links and background creates an immersive multi modal experience for the reader.